Nihongo No Hon Wa Sore Desu

This is a red pen.
Nihongo no hon wa sore desu. This next to me. Sore wa hon desu. This is not a japanese dictionary. Are wa hoteru desu ka.
Kore sore are dore. Are wa watashi no pen desu. Dore means can be used to express which question words like dore and nani cannot be followed by the particle wa. Koko soko asoko doko.
Kore wa hiragana. Ano hon wa furansu go no hon mou desu ka no it. Nihongo no hon wa ni yen desu. When you answer you can say kochira sochira achira it is the politer way of kore sore are e g.
Learn minna no nihongo lesson 1. Smith sensei wa furansu go no sensei desu is he. Is this japanese beer. Just substitute mine with some other no.
Is that a hotel. Sore wa furansu go no hon desu. Kono nihongo no hon wa bunpo de benri desu.
Sore wa nihon no biiru desu. Is that a japanese dictionary. Teacher s book is that one.
Here here next to me there there next to you over there away from us where. That is tanaka s umbrella. Kore wa doragon boru no manga desu.
Are wa nan desu ka. This japanese book is very useful for grammar. For example wa in the following sentence indicates that watashi i is a subject and ga indicates that nihongo japanese is an object of the verb wakarimasu understand. A japanese book is that one.
Kore wa nihongo no hon desu. It is japanese beer. About japanese currency though. Nihongo no hon wa sochira desu.
02 11 2017 04 07 2019 jamelearnjpn 0. Particles watashi wa nihongo ga wakarimasu. Sore wa tanaka san no kasa desu.
Is that one over there a book of french too. It is a school. Are wa gakkoo desu. Sore wa nihongo no jisho desu ka.
The japanese book is for 2 yen idk. Kore wa katakana desu. Kore wa nihon no biiru desu ka. That is a book.
Janapanese for beginers top view. Nihongo no hon wa dore desu ka. Kono sono ano dono. What is that over there.
Which is a japanese book. Nihongo no gakusei desu. Watashi no nihongo no hon desu.