Naginata Woman S Weapon

Its length and flexibility of use make it a great melee weapon.
Naginata woman s weapon. In japan the naginata is considered a woman s weapon as it is studied by women more than men whereas in europe and australia naginata is practiced predominantly by men this is however simply a reflection of the martial arts demographics of europe where there is no historical association as there is in japan that naginatajutsu is for women. Naginata were originally used by the samurai class of feudal japan as well as by ashigaru foot soldiers and sōhei warrior monks. In japanese works especially naginatas are a common weapon for a female close range fighter. It was primarily used by samurai foot soldiers and warrior monks in battles but later became mainly a weapon used by women.
The naginata is the iconic weapon of the onna bugeisha a type of female warrior belonging to the japanese nobility. A naginata is a japanese blade on a stick similar to a glaive characterized by a long curved blade with a handguard. The naginata is a long staff with a curved blade fixed to the end. The naginata is an ancient weapon similar to the western halberd.
Today the naginata is most often used in the form of a sport called new naginata 新しいなぎなた atarashii naginata or simply naginata which uses kendo style protective equipment and wood or bamboo weapons in japanese naginata the sport is distinguished from the naginata the weapon by being rendered in hiragana なぎなた rather than in kanji 長刀. Polearms have a very effective reach in melee fighting. The naginata なぎなた 薙刀 is a pole weapon and one of several varieties of traditionally made japanese blades nihonto. This clip from the art of killing 1978 shows japanese women engaged in the practice of the naginata a traditional weapon of the women married to samurai.
With its bonus against animals it is a very potent weapon for wiping out nests. Its studies were a must for all ladies born into a samurai family. This weapon has inventory dimensions of 1x10 meaning it can only be equipped as a primary weapon.