Japanese Bamboo Spear

The modern bamboo yumi is practically identical to the yumi of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Japanese bamboo spear. Within japan proper the volunteer fighting corps were never used in combat except in south sakhalin the battle of okinawa occurred before its formal inception with local boeitai home guard conscripts forming part of the defences there. Thank for like and share to your friends if you support our chann. There are many japanese web contents recalling the battle in okinawa mentioning bamboo spear. Bamboo is sometimes used to craft the limbs of the longbow and recurve bow used in traditional archery and to make superior weapons for bowhunting and target archery.
The fanatical devotion to their emperor their country and their honour led many brave japanese soldiers to such lengths. Makura yari pillow spear choku yari straight spear variations of yari shafts. This would see japanese soldiers sacrificing themselves with grenades a courageous last banzai charge with swords drawn or using sharpened lengths of bamboo as makeshift spears. The naginata is the iconic weapon of the onna bugeisha a type of female warrior belonging to the japanese nobility.
A bamboo pin secures the samurai yari blade into the shaft. The naginata なぎなた 薙刀 is a pole weapon and one of several varieties of traditionally made japanese blades nihonto. Bamboo is used for crafting the bows called yumi and arrows used in the japanese martial art kyūdō. A bamboo sword called a shinai is used in the japanese martial art of kendo.
In okinawa civilians were also directed to fight against the allied by bamboo spears and in some cases bamboo spears were issued perhaps when the island had no bamboo forest. Suruga sensuji bamboo is characterized by the use of thin round strips to create delicate and gently crafts. Su yari simple spear a straight double edged blade. This is video show about primitive culture people of cambodia create tools using everyday.
The shaft in itself is made of wood with decorative fittings. By the end of the 10th century the japanese developed a two piece bamboo and wood laminated yumi. Japanese yari is 72 inches long and constructed from high carbon steel. The shaft is also design in such a way that it would be easy to assemble and disassemble for easy storage.
The blade is full tang and is so sharp. Naginata were originally used by the samurai class of feudal japan as well as by ashigaru foot soldiers and sōhei warrior monks. Omi no yari an extra long su yari blade. At this stage of the war the lack of modern weaponry and ammunition meant that most were armed with swords or even bamboo spears.