Chokutō Meaning

The chokutō is a straight single edged sword that was produced by japanese swordsmiths prior to the 10th century.
Chokutō meaning. Weaponry straight sword weaponry a straight sword particularly one from ancient japan. Indeed the first meaning you will learn for chotto is minor little. Chokutō were used on foot for stabbing or slashing and were worn hung from the waist. It featured characteristics similar to ancient chinese swords including a short to moderate blade length decorative pommel and tsuba hand guard.
In this conversation the perfect answer would have been hai chotto はい. It was created before development of differential tempering in japanese swordsmithing. Its basic style is likely derived from similar swords of ancient china. The main distinctive feature of the chokutō is the blade which is curved on the katana and straight on the chokutō.
Its blades are also often confused with shikomizue. However in that particular conversation the meaning is the same as very. The chokutō 直刀 straight sword is a straight single edged japanese sword that was produced prior to the 9th century. Chokutō typically come in hira zukuri and kiriha zukuri tsukurikomi blade styles which make them very distinct from later tachi and katana which rarely use these forms.
English words for 直接 include direct immediate personal first hand and firsthand. The distinctive feature of the chokutō is the straight blade similar to the ancient swords found in the three kingdoms period of china. The distinctive feature of the chokutō is the straight. Chokutō typically come in hira zukuri and kiriha zukuri tsukurikomi blade styles which make them very distinct from later tachi and katana which rarely use these forms.
Chokuto are straight single edged blades often of the one handed variety whereas katanas are curved excepting the most early creations which were probably direct descendants of the chokuto and invariably two handed swords yes they could b. Chokutō typically come in hira zukuri and kiriha zukuri tsukurikomi blade styles which make them very distinct from later tachi and katana which rarely use these forms. More than once japanese language learners misunderstand the meaning of chotto in such context. Thus by the way they had to be drawn and their intrinsic design chokutō are functionally defined as hacking swords.